PPIE working group

The PPIE working group is a public and patient advisory group who provide guidance for the HPRU EZI.

The working group consists of four public contributors with lived experience relevant to the research of the HPRU EZI and an academic representative from each partner institution. Each contributor (public or academic) have experience of, interest in, or research one of the diseases studied by the HPRU EZI. Find out more about our members here.

The PPIE working group meeting several times a year, which are chaired by the Unit's PPIE lead (Ashleigh Cheyne). The PPIE working group was formed to help write the Unit's PPIE strategy, however they also continue to support the PPIE lead and to be a discussion partner. In order to ensure that the strategy is put into practice, the PPIE working group have also approved an implementation plan. This entails further information to help the group in the execution of the strategy and to monitor whether the Unit is on track in delivering its ambitions.

The group have their own terms of reference which will be reviewed when needed. A visual poster of the terms of reference can be seen below. An audio format of the terms of reference can be heard through clicking this link: terms of reference audio.